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By Corwin Richardson, Thursday, January 24, 2009 4:46:41 AM CST
September 20, 2012
There was a study done that says that the show "Sponge Bob" causes children to become dumber from watching it, so it's plain to see that people tend to find anything to blame a lack of understanding on. But I'm sure your situation is different. I was sexually involved with a boy in my childhood and it was not that I was looking for a homosexual friend or that I was being "myself", it was the ignorance of my youth and the evil of my flesh. Proof, I was a child and had no real understanding of good and evil, right and wrong. I simply followed what I felt because of the acts that were done to me. My flesh could have gone any way and it did. I also attempted to have sexual relations with girls. This did not mean that I was inherently made by God to be Bisexual. [This is what men do when they attempt to understand the things people do, they put titles on it. That doesn't mean that they are, it only means it is what they do.]
I studied Understanding Human Sexuality and in this class, my professor explained that a man or woman was not considered homosexual or bisexual by the act alone, but by the decision to make it a sexual preference. That in itself tells me that man is confused by saying that a man or woman can have sexual relations with someone of the same sex and not be considered homosexual or bisexual until it becomes their preference (no matter how many times they had sexual involvement together). This is truly a misguided people who say and believe anything. Anyway, I didn’t consider myself to be homosexual no matter what I had done in the past. Society thinks that things will change because of a few laws that were created by men to justify a person’s desires to have sexual relations with individuals of the same sex; there is still the law that is written in our hearts that will either exalt us or condemn us. There seemed to always be guys attempting to convert my sexual preference unto men, but that didn't make me want to prefer men sexually; it only gave me an insight into how they thought.
The flesh only wants what it wants and this is proven in food and anything else that requires a choice of pleasure or pain. If I am always rejected by women, then I will look for comfort in men, because the flesh only wants what it wants and that is pleasure. The flesh does not want food that is undesirable although it may be healthy for us. I don’t know what converted you to desire sexual relations with the same sex, but I’m sure that if you looked hard enough you would see something that made you seek pleasure in the same sex, whereas you didn’t receive it with the opposite sex. I have never been afraid of guys who made sexual relations with other men their sexual preference, I only wanted them to respect that I didn't.
When I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I gained a greater understanding about relationships. I learned that God gave man the ability to reproduce children when he created woman. This is proven everyday in the world we live in and that is the only way known to man to create children. By that gift man could be as God, kind of like a father wanting his son to be like him. As long as the son followed the plan of reproduction that the father gave him, he was like the father, but when man decided that he would seek pleasure in the same sex, the son was no longer like the father and rather became an alien (dysfunctional). This is why homosexuality is so frowned upon in the Christian faith; the gift of life was given to man and has been perverted by mankind. Having the experience with homosexual acts in my childhood and coming to the knowledge of why it was so bad, helped me to stand in righteousness.
People do what they want to do and will find anyway and anything to justify their deeds. A corrupt mind will think that evil is good and good is evil. I renewed my mind by the Word of God, so I can clearly see the difference between good and evil. The Pharisees and Sadducees of the Bible were religious leaders who commanded that men keep the law of God, but they themselves didn’t always keep the law of God. Many bodies of believers who affiliate themselves with our God, and our Christian Faith are not always in the right place with God to lead or teach and can sometimes lead God’s children the wrong way. Please forgive them, for they did not know what they were doing. There is a difference between condemnation and conviction. We are convicted by the law written in our hearts and minds when we do wrong and know it is wrong, but condemnation comes when we are judged by another without the possibility of redemption or forgiveness. Some choose to let God judge and simply reserve their time to live right according to what they know is right.
Anyway, I created a t-shirt design that says, “Whether heterosexual or homosexual, all fornication and adultery is sin and the wages of sin is death. Un-repented sin will send you to hell. Jesus is coming, you better get it right”. The purpose of this design was not for condemnation but for the purpose of conviction. You have a chance to repent because you still have breath in your body and so do I. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and if any man could fulfill the Holy Commandments of God then Jesus Christ would not have needed to come and die for us. This is why we have grace, because our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ paid our debt to sin, by dying for us. Now we owe Him our life that we should die to our self (pleasures of sin, only) and live to him (follow His example-selfless). Love did cover a multitude of sins when He took our place of judgment. You are loved now just like I was loved then and if you ever want clarity on anything from the word, please don’t hesitate to contact me…Be blessed
9/9/10 11:55PM CST
"The Scales of Worthiness"
How often has this question come across our minds; how often do we wonder the spectrum of its validity; how often do we trample ourselves down by the strength of its forbidding response? The answer is, too often. The question is an age old question that I am sure we all have asked ourselves at one point or another in life. "Is something wrong with me"? "Why can't I keep a mate"? "Am I meant to be alone"? "Am I supposed to be with the same sex"? Many of us who have had several or even some or even a few or even a couple or maybe just a relationship that has gone wrong; have asked ourselves one or more, if not all of the above questions. The answer is still the same, NO!!! How do I know this? I have been equipped to analyze and resolve the issues of the heart.
For the purpose of illustrating the point of this proof, I examined the life of a very close husband and wife that I have known for some time.
One night the husband was sitting in his car, just after getting off of work, preparing to drive home. He called his wife and while sitting on the phone with her, a thought was triggered in his mind. He didn't tell his wife about the thought, but he was pondering it seriously. He doesn't know what triggered it but it came to his mind suddenly. As he spoke to me, I began to clearly see (understand) what was going on in his life. I speak as one of experience and understanding, not in educated guessing!
Question: Why do so many relationships end up in disaster?
Answer: The answer is simple, sexual intercourse.
I know this seems to be too much for a Minister of the Gospel to be talking about, but I assure you; Ministers have sexual intercourse too!
Nevertheless, how did I come up with the Scales of Worthiness?
The thought that he had was about sex, and then he thought about his wife, in that exact order. Problem # 1, sex was the first thought, not his wife. This means, anyone could have been included in his thoughts after his thought to have sexual intercourse. Just listening to him prompted the idea to me that maybe, the weightier thought was about a sexual relationship, not about his mate. I know, you don't think like that. Well if you don't, then this message is talking to the twenty million people who do or have thought like that! A relationship should be developed intellectually more than physically. Let me clear this up.
After he thought about sex, then his wife; he began to wonder (intently) if she would be up to having sexual intercourse, because he was still fervent and affectionate in that way and she had grown dull with it. For whatever reason, sex was just not fulfilling to his wife as it used to be, but to him it was a time of coming together to be one, something that he cherished. Then thoughts of how it used to be and how it had become began to flood his mind. Looking back over his relationship, he now knew that there were many things that they had taken for granted. He realized how ignorant they were. All the relationships that they were apart of prior to trying to start a relationship together, they could have died from sexually transmitted diseases, got killed, or anything else, but yet they were eager to start a new go at relationships. Doing what they had learned from their exposure to the world, going from relationship to relationship they tried again. Just to interject, some think that when they are having sexual intercourse outside of the way that is binding to commitment of life, that when they get pregnant, it's a blessing. Well, it is; but not in the way they may think. To be given a child out of wedlock or in fornication is a blessing because life has been given instead of death (by disease or whatever) which is the penalty for sin. The grace is the blessing, but the penalty is the burden of child rearing.
To continue, their relationship started out simple, with just noticing each other on the pass-by. Then they began to see each other more; then they began to look for each other on familiar routes. They spent some time with each other, but it was still just on the surface. Does this sound familiar; saying the right things, doing the right things, being the right person, just long enough to get sexually connected? Not long after talking and seeing each other, they decided to take their relationship to the next level (sexual intercourse). He just didn't realize how big of a fool he was, nor did he believe that the woman he was getting to know knew. They didn't think about the fact that they were repeating the same broken steps to building a relationship, which they had failed at before; over and over again. Maybe the physical attraction blinded them. Good looks are not a sin, but looks shouldn't be so important that we can't see anything else about the person we are attracted to.
When I took the time that they spent together getting to know each other and weighed it against the weight of sexual intercourse, the answer was clear. There was no balance in the relationship.
Taking a scale which is balanced in the middle at zero
If I would take a second, minute, hour, day, week, or even a month of time of getting to know someone and place it on the left side of the scale.

The scale would drop 100% on the left side because there would be nothing to compare the weight of its value to!
If I would take one encounter of sexual intercourse and put it on the right side of the scale.
The scale would immediately drop 100% to the right side throwing all of the time (invested getting to know someone) off of the scale!
This is because sexual intercourse is a weightier investment of commitment, it requires the whole person to be given to it and received from it. Two people can meet and talk together and build a connection between each other and the relationship can grow and blossom as long as the relationship is pure and non-perverted. The pleasure of sexual intercourse is too great to just take lightly; it's easier to be controlled by something that feels good to you than something that doesn't feel good to you. Have you ever had someone "blow your mind", the sexual experience with them was so good, but after you got used to it, and the things about them that weren't pleasing to you became even more outspoken, it didn't take long to realize the sexual relationship wasn't worth the hell you were going through. Sex really isn't "all that"! You can live without it, although it is not desirable to live without it. So, we make these foolish, insane and unlearned decisions over and over again, falling for the lies that we know are lies because we desire the sexual relationship that we believe we could share with them. Most times willing to endure "bull" so that we don't be alone and so that we can satisfy the monster called sexual gratification. When two people connect together sexually, the relationship can never again be only platonic; lust will rise over and over again. The longer the relationship continues the worst the relationship will become. Sexual intercourse will devour the desire to get to know the mate in a purely intellectual way.
Invest serious time into getting to know the person that you are interested in being with. Set a standard for what you will and won't accept. Stand on that standard and don't move. Don't play around with lust, it will get you. Press beyond your physical attraction to see the person for who they really are. Don't or stop having sexual intercourse. Work on the problems you have within yourself, there is a reason you are single or unhappily married. Get married, only after getting to know the person you want to be with and have a clear understanding of the commitment of marriage. "You don't need to sample the goods, before purchasing (Try that at Wal-Mart.)!" It's all the same; you make sexual intercourse as good or bad as it is with your mind. Lastly but not least, give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and find the fullness of life that you desire. Oh yes, and remember to work on your faults only, not your mates.
May GOD bless you richly...!
Copyright © 2003-2012 Holee-One Enterprise All Rights Reserved.
Every single moment of the day, there is a decision that we must make. Some decisions more serious than others, but still the same a decision. We all try to make the best decision that will afford us the best outcome. But, where did the option come from, that delegated the need to make a decision? Well that’s simple, life. Life itself provides opportunities for us to make decisions. The difficult question is, who provides the options that we consider when deciding? And how do we know for sure if the decision we’re making is the right one? As children our parents, peers, and people that we generally come into contact with through our parents and peers, teach us. Throughout our development from childhood to adulthood, we may still be influenced by the aforementioned, but also we are influenced by our experiences in life, our environments, all of what we eat (spiritually). Some of us learn the first time from experience and some of us learn after several times, but still we are influenced by these situations of life. Based upon what we have encountered in our lives, our minds record and store information for later use. If we weren’t taught or were taught poorly growing up, then more than likely we would fail to make the best decision the first time, but through that experience we would have the opportunity to learn, so that we could make the best or a better decision the next time(s). It doesn’t matter what background or environment we come from, there is an opportunity to better ourselves. Some of us have been taught well and still make poor decisions, mainly because we couldn’t apply the theory to the application (apply what we've learned to our life), but still experience is a teacher. Although life repeats itself and there is nothing new to this point; the bare fact remains that everyone will experience an unfamiliar situation at one point or another in there life. Finally we establish the understanding of life by the sum of how we learn in life and what we have learned in life, from who gave us life. The equation is God (Creator of Life)- ((Life’s Choices) (Predetermined trials) + Lessons Learned) (Application to Life)). God gave us life that was predetermined with two possible consequences, life or death. He gave us fellowship with one another for the simple fact of testimony; that someone has gone through what we may be going through, or a situation (decision) that we may be faced with, and his or her knowledge of how to deal with it could make our decision better or soften the consequences of the decision. The very individual that we "look over" (disregard), could be the very one to help us make the best decision possible. But without love for all mankind it’s easy for the devil to influence us to walk away from our blessings. Yes, I did say the devil, for we know that God gives us refuge to deal with life and it’s obstacles, as well He gives the devil the ability to place obstacles before us and as well speak into us. And knowing that God is Omnipotent, He has all power to do what He wills and promises to be done. He is merciful to us because He is Omniscient; knowing all that we have been through, will go through and all that we need to go through life, the way he seeks for us to live. By all that He has created, He is Omnipresent, because His spirit of life dwells within. For we all were given the spirit of God that gave us life. With that life came the body, spirit and soul. Our body is the house (temple) of God’s spirit, the spirit is the life God has given us and the soul is everything that we become from what we have learned and applied to the spirit (life) that God has given us. Considering all that was given to us also was the power of choice given. We are never forced by God to do anything, but we have been allotted the opportunity to decide whether or not we will do the things we know to be righteous. I didn’t say right because this word has multiple meanings, which can be used deceptively by the devil to disrupt (confuse) our digestion (understanding) of this food (spiritual). We destroy our bodies by the alcohol (liquor), drugs, and even the food we sometimes consume. We condemn (sentence to death) our spirit and soul by the evil things we do and say. The cliché, "We are what we eat", relates to our spiritual consumption of food as well. Our eyes take in food to be stored in the soul, so if we read or choose to look at the evil (everything against God) things of this world for our own pleasure, then we feed off of that evil. The ears serve as another route to feed our soul, by what we hear. If we listen to righteous (good) things then we are bound to think righteously. Whatever we consume the most of through our eyes and ears will eventually consume us. The question arises again, how do we know for sure that the decision we make is the best decision? Once again, it’s simple! As we learned before, God has provided refuge for us to deal with life and it’s decisions. This refuge provides sound (righteous) documents, illustrations and directions to guide us through our lives. It teaches us how to deal with the problems of life, where our strength lies, and how to live righteously. The greatest attribute (gift) we receive from this refuge is eternal (forever) life. This refuge is the Holy Bible, not to be considered as just another well written book full of interesting stories, but this is a literary map for a spiritual being who has lost his way and need to get back home to his Father, eternally. There is absolutely no way for anyone to make it to eternal life, without knowing what to do in order to receive it. And once we've learned what to do, the final step is to apply that knowledge to our life, believing by faith unto salvation! God Bless…
Copyright © 2003-2012 Holee-One Enterprise All Rights Reserved.
Hope is Here

work hard and get a good job; so that we would not have to struggle like they did. This has worked for those who have obeyed their parents, but for those who thought that there was something new under the sun, they were extremely misled and defeated in life. They thought that there was an easy way to reach success in life… Well, God started the first employment agency, when He put Adam to work in the beginning. It was a hard work then and will always be a hard way, but the reward is worth the struggle…
The devil knows that we like things the easy way because our flesh does not like to be discomforted. So he tells us we can go out and sell drugs, sell our bodies, and do all sorts of sinful things to become rich or wealthy… Even become professional musicians and professional athletes, where he (the devil) then gets us into a place to deceive and tempt us with his works of death…
The flesh likes to be seen, seem important, look good, and so on and the devil uses these tools to destroy us… He won't be successful if we put our focus on what's really important, living right and doing right; being an example and a help to somebody else, the way God intended man to live. We need to stop focussing on how good we look to others and start focussing on how good we live before others. Our children are setting their minds on making it big the easy way, when there is no easy way… The hip hop rappers, r&b singers, country western singers, blues, hard rock singers and even professional athletes all work hard to attain success, the only difference is that, when you seek to live right you will put the things of God before you, not just in wearing a big cross in your neck, but in your lifestyle and many of these listed above are headed for destruction if they are not living holy…
God is real and will destroy the wicked. Stop trying to make it the easy way, and get serious about your soul… If you live for God, He will establish you and bless you with everything that is good for you. New cars, new homes, beautiful family, etc. Don’t tell me that God won’t do it for you, He did it for me.
I was lost in the world, chasing women, smoking drugs, listening to rap and other worldly music, and the more I entertained my mind, spirit and soul with those things of the world; the deeper in darkness I went, and the more miserable my life became, but when I gave my life to Jesus for real, He turned it all around. It didn’t happen overnight and I wasn’t changed overnight, but eventually I could see all the changes Jesus had made in me. He is still not done, but what He has done for me, is enough to make me serve Him forever more. Give Him your heart, and He will deliver you too…God bless you…
This is only a brief testimony of my life, for a full testimony email or call me. For prayer, encouragement, whatever you need to better your life, to put your life on the right road; I will use every gifting that God has placed in me for His people, so that they will prosper and be in good health, even as their soul prospers, and He will be glorified. God Bless You.
Apostle C.K. Richardson
(318) 639-0432, (318) 639-1565 direct contact